Every Hero has a Story...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Election: Part 2

Well it’s Election Day, and I am too lazy to vote so I ended up sleeping in and waking up around 12. After I woke up I checked what was on TV, and every channel was showing the Election Bonanza. It seemed that every country that was having an election was having huge line ups at the polls. Every eligible voter was coming out to vote, and to no surprise the party they were voting for was Talume. This was somewhat of a concern; however I just let it slide, and thought we will see after the election. Let Democracy take its course.

Later that evening, Ashley and I were sitting at the Talume victory party at the University. All the students were buzzing about the results, when the news anchor came on and announced Talume’s 100% victory. My face went pale; I couldn’t believe some no name party had taken over half the world. I turned to see Ashley’s reaction, but she was gone. I couldn’t figure out where she went, I used my super speed to jet around the room, but she was gone. I returned to watch the TV, and at that moment, the television became fuzzy. When the image returned all you could see were the pyramids of Egypt, and a dark figure approaching. It was a woman with long dark hair and a long black coat. When the image cleared, I couldn’t believe my eyes; it was Ashley. She said “Today is a great day for our race. We have ended all wars, by uniting ourselves under one banner, the Amulet. You shall all be my slaves and I shall rule not only this world but the entire galaxy.” I knew something was wrong when the audience began to cheer. I flew as fast as I could to my fortress so to piece all of this together….