Every Hero has a Story...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Heat Seeking: Part 3

I got out of the water and the chase was on again. I was racking my brain to think of how to rid myself of these missiles, and then it hit me, heat-seeking. Perhaps they have locked on to my body heat. I hauled butt to Antarctica where I became a better target and the missiles started clumping together for the final kill. Once one got close enough I used my heat vision to redirect it into an ice berg. The little missile quickly followed the heat and flew into the ice. I started to redirect the remaining missiles into other huge objects, until there were two left. I used my heat vision to heat up one of the missiles and soon the remaining missile flew into its counter part and both were destroyed. After this ordeal I realized that there is something going on that not only threatens me but also the entire world…


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