Every Hero has a Story...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Psychosis: Part 3

When I finally came to, I was in a holding cell and all I could see were bright lights. Once my eyes focused I say an unconscious Ashley in the middle of the warehouse and Psychosis standing not too far from her trying to open a portal. At that moment, I remembered that telepaths can’t concentrate on too many things at once. I instantly grabbed the bars of the cell and ripped them off. Psychosis took notices of this and then I could feel an immense amount of pain flowing through my head. I knew I had to do something, so I ran as fast as I could to Ashley and moved her away from Psychosis. At that moment the portal became unstable, and psychosis turned his concentration away from me and to the portal. But by the time he did that it was too late, the portal came crashing down on him.

As I flew with an unconscious Ashley in my arms I realized that she was more special than I thought. She has powers that she doesn’t know about, and I realized we are very much alike. The difference is that I hide my abilities, while she doesn’t know. I finally got to the building where we had the formal; it was now blocked off with police tape, but no one was there. I left Ashley on the steps of the building and I flew off. Tonight I felt like the knight in shinning armor, however in the end I didn’t get the girl and I ultimately reverted back to the shy admirer that saw a beautiful girl in a red dress…


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