Every Hero has a Story...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Heat Seeking: Part 1

Flying, it is truly the essence of my existence. Whenever I am stressed out or it seems my world is falling apart, I just open my window and fly. Most of the time of the time this is a relaxing experience, however today was a different story. While flying I was intercepted by 6 fighter jets that told me to get out of their airspace. I had no idea what they were talking about because I was over international waters. There was a second warning, this time they said they belonged to a country known as Omelet. I turned around to get a closer look at the jets, they were unlike anything I had ever seen and also they had a weird symbol on its hull, which was red line followed by a red circle. Anyways, I was not threatened because I knew that I could out fly them. So I started flying faster, and at that moment each jet launched 2 missiles that began following me. This was another yawn, so I started going faster and faster, however I was wrong, these missiles began speeding up to match my speed. I suddenly realized that if the missiles could match my speed, then who knows what they could do if they detonated. I had to lose these missiles somehow...
Posted by Hello


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