Every Hero has a Story...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Heat Seeking: Part 2

They’re hot on my tail, and I can’t get my thoughts in order. Geez, this superhero gig looks so much easier on television. Ok, I decided instead of worrying about who this Omelet group is, I should figure out how to get these things off my tail. The first thing that came to mind was water, which was obvious because I was flying over the Pacific. So I slowed down and dove right in.

At this point the missiles were above the water, right on top of me. Out of nowhere like a pack of wolves taking it’s first strike two missiles changed course and headed straight towards me. I used all the strength I could to speed up and luckily they made contact with the water right behind my feet. Unfortunately that was not enough, the aftershock from the blast made me spin under water and I lost control. I quickly resurfaced and saw the remaining missiles turn around and come back towards me. I knew I was doomed….


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