Every Hero has a Story...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Truth: Part 1

Well, it seems that things with me and Ashley are going great! We are like the perfect couple, we are always together. Although I often have to run out on her to save day, she doesn’t seem to mind it too much. I have been debating whether or not telling her the truth. I trust her, but with such information, her life maybe in danger.

It was a cool summer night, and I was walking her to the subway station. We were waiting for the light to change at an intersection. She was resting her head on my shoulder. Across the street there was a young couple with a baby carriage. They seemed happy. Then all of a sudden all I could her was a screeching noise.

I looked over and I saw an 18-wheeler truck losing control and heading towards the young family! I had to do something, there was no way I could stop that truck without revealing my secret. All I could hear was the shrieking of the truck tires. I had to make a decision or else they would be doomed…

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Fine Line of Good and Evil: Part 3

She shot a grin at me and lunged for Electric Angel (EA). She used her sword to blast him out of the side of the building. She jumped out of the hole that was made by EA and I quickly followed suite.

She was fast, although she couldn’t fly she could move extremely quickly, with excellent agility. She quickly grabbed the book from EA and was gone. I don’t know how but she disappeared.

I turned to see EA, but all I saw was that his suit was completely ruined and had sparks coming out of it. Obviously her sword was sharp enough to devastate EA’s state of the art armor. EA had the deepest regret in his eyes; he came to me and said “You ruined it, now she is unstoppable! I was protecting everyone’s future from her, but you let her go.” His rocket wings came online and he flew off.

I couldn’t figure out what had just happened there. Who as this girl and why did she and EA fight for the book so badly? Also why would EA cross the line of good and evil to stop her? I couldn’t keep that girl out of my head, I keep seeing her glowing green eyes in my sleep...