Every Hero has a Story...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Unstoppable Nature

Well, everyone is talking about it… it is the popular discussion at the water coolers and the chat rooms. The Tsunami that recently hit South Asia was beyond words; the number of dead is over 100,000 and continues to rise. I have been debating whether or not to post anything about this. I couldn’t make myself write something for such a tragedy, being so helpless to stop it all. Even with all the power that I have (or I may think I have) I am nothing when it comes to nature. I mean sure I can donate some money and sure I can go over to those countries to help out, but there is always a sense that what I have done isn’t enough. I guess I am trying to be too perfect and I know that is impossible, however one must try and strive to their full potential. These are the times I truly feel useless, when all I can do is ease the pain and can’t do anything to stop it…

On a lighter note I recently read that all the wild animals were able to tell when the Tsunami was about to hit and thus were able to seek safer ground. This includes: birds, cats, dogs and elephants. It is so interesting how some animals are able to detect danger before it happens!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The Beginning

So, this story begins, I guess for my first post there should be something interesting or elaborate about myself; however I am not here to be your entertainment, like a dog who sits at your every command. I will be who I am, which is something I honestly don't know. I guess to start; today is a bad day to begin a blog. Why? Because I have received some very distressing news, and I am far from happy about it. This news has caused me great deal of pain and anguish and I can’t seem to relive myself of it. It is truly sad to see a hero kicked when he is down. A few weeks ago I lost most of my friends when someone who I thought was a friend betrayed me and made me lose what was important to me. It is a sad sight to lose so many people who you care about, but then again that is the life of a hero. You may think a hero will have all they want and all they need, but no, they are always losing it. A hero can never hold on to anything for too long. And today I discovered I am losing my future, I guess it was more important for me to help people than rather to help myself. It would be so much easier to just help myself to everything I wanted, and then perhaps I wouldn’t lose so many things. So this begins our story, the hero is lost and dazed and has no way out. This blog will chronicle my life and my thoughts from my perspective, and remember even heros have their own monsters.